Eirgrid – Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade
EirGrid, the company that runs the national electricity grid, is sharing the latest proposals for a critical new electricity infrastructure project ahead of a major public consultation in the autumn.
The Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade will support the distribution of power in Meath, Kildare and surrounding counties and, by doing so, will ensure that these areas continue to have a safe, secure and sustainable electricity supply.
In advance of Eirgrid’s public consultation, which will run between September and November, they have launched an information campaign to raise awareness of the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade project and the options they are currently investigating.
The information campaign includes publishing a project brochure, developing a project micro-website with interactive maps, and publishing various studies they have completed to date with associated documents.
In Step 3, they have re-confirmed the need for this project.
“We have also been investigating the shortlisted options to strengthen the electricity network between Dunnstown and Woodland. The shortlist we have been working on is as follows “
1. Connect two existing 220 kV overhead lines and up-voltage to 400kV;
2. Build a 400 kV overhead line;
3. Build a 220 kV underground cable;
4. Build a 400 kV underground cable.
Due to local restrictions announced by Government on 7th August 2020, all Mobile Information Unit activity for the Kildare-Meath Grid Upgrade has been cancelled until further notice.
View Project Update Eirgrid Website