PPN Representatives
The PPN provides the structure to facilitate the two way flow of information between the Local Authority and the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental groups in County Kildare. The PPN facilities this through electing PPN representatives to sit on various committees within Kildare County Council to have their impact and facilitate the two way flow of information between the Local Authority and the Community and Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental groups in County Kildare.
A PPN Representative is elected for a fixed term to represent the PPN on a specific Board or Committee including the following:
- Local Community Development Committee
- Strategic Policy Committees
- Joint Policing Committee
- Kildare Heritage Forum
They are elected onto a Committee my members of the PPN. A PPN Representative does not just represent the group they are a member of, they represent the PPN as a whole and are guided by a linkage group.
To view Kildare PPN Representatives, click here.